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Outer Planet Transits (to Natal Planets)
Each time an “outer” planet transits personal planets or points (i.e. Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars), it will bring with it stark similarities – even between varying personality types, however the number of possible outcomes for each transit (per individual) is nearly infinite.
For instance…
A Neptunian/Piscean creative is more likely to invite poetic inspiration and channeling of ideas and dreams, than a Saturnian/Capricornian business-minded workaholic when experiencing a transit from Neptune. The Saturnian could find the same inspired transit as threatening as any virus that has suddenly – and without reason – depleted their focus and energy.
Just like a Pluto transit will feel somewhat familiar to a Scorpionic/Plutonian person – despite the change and upheaval that can take place. The familiarity of it can make it seem less de-stabilising than it were affecting a Venus/Taurean/Libran individual. People that expect the unexpected and are used to challenges and hardships are going to handle these times better than if things are usually habitual, rosy, safe, comforting and beautiful.
The effects of each transit are purely dependent on a mixture of awareness of an individual’s current state of being, of one’s vision, and what one is ready to bring in, re-invent or let go.
— Here are some examples of some visits to natal planets from these more collective influences…
Uranus – Sudden, erratic changes altering current trajectory.
What to expect
Feeling the urge to break free, change, experience novelty or indulge in spontaneity for its own sake is to be expected. Break-downs can sometimes result if these urges are not honoured! There is at times an intensified need for individualised expression, setting the bar of what makes YOU different from the rest. There is also an increased desire to go one’s own way that is authentic, unique, and quite often – different – to what has been known or expected previously. These times usually highlight that the perceived future that seems definite and safe, is actually restrictive and blocking, and not honouring the current stage of life – of unexpressed and unexplored parts of self.
– Harness the enormous energy that can often be erratic and hard to contain or understand, into time for self-reflection and also into allowance of individuality – for self and other. This can be a great time to develop tolerance and learning about the grey that exists between the black and the white.
– Discover new things about self, culture, ways of thinking. Challenge own points of view as well as other’s which may have been limiting or have been safe until this point, which now doesn’t quite sit right.
– Cultivating open-minded outlooks on life balanced with healthy doses of skepticism. Particularly in areas that are considered “alt” or “fringe” . This can inspire ‘new’/alternate means of healing, thinking, being that may radically transform oneself, for the better.
– Partaking in practices that embrace life’s paradoxes, welcome change and promote humour.
– Take calming herbs or amino acids to relax or help promote good sleep. Research the “right” forms of magnesium (e.g. glycinate form).
– Look into quantum mechanics, do your own research – methodically like a scientist, question and evaluate more.
– Expect the unexpected. Get in touch with the nature of synchronicities.
– Experiment, experiment, experiment. EXPERIENCE. Try new. Revel in different – at least what’s different for you!
Neptune – Dissolution of defined, unserving structures, immersion into inner worlds and creativity
What to expect
Urges to delve into the mystery arise, naturally and subtly, redirecting one to go deep-sea diving into the unknown. Escapist tendencies emerging or intensifying, or alternatively, the effects of not slowing down can result (i.e. exhausation, delerium, low-energy, low-immunity, fogginess). Poetic/romantic urges, and ideals and ideologies potentially turning into delusions and lasting illusions. Being drawn to hyper-creative/romantic/over-generous/frail or victim-to-the-world types. Feeling unsupported by conventional structures – in medicine/therapies, vocational and educational systems. Feeling not of this world. Disconnected to the mundane and routine. Witnessing a dissolution of what was, who you were, or evevn what life is. Subconscious urges taking over the conscious mind and projecting outward. Hyper-externalisation of wishes, fears, biases, parts of self. The want to save/be saved. Religious/spiritual yearnings and alterations to beliefs and practices. What was once seemingly solid is now liquid or even evaporated into the ether altogether. A plugging-in into the eternal creative force/collective mind. Being taken too far into the eternal world of all-that-is, of spirit, but drowning by trying to stay here or tired from overwhelm brought on by the sheer magnitude of what “could be”.
– Questioning what really was before and trusting that by the end of the transit, resolution will happen if the want for a renewed self and vision for the future has been planted into the subconscious.
-Journalling and creative visualisation – planting ideas into the subconscious but consciously letting the means of getting there, go.
– Not openly trusting those that present “out-there” or spiritual/saving self ideas that don’t fully sit well or seem ‘too good to be true’. Taking new advice, offerings and support with a grain of salt.
– Allowing room for expression of the emotional self and vulnerabilities – in a safe space.
– ART. Creating art – in whatever forms. Cooking, painting, poetry…
– Taking away judgment from self, bit by bit.
– Have mind set on higher love, and integration of the different parts of self, but being aware of physical laws.
– Finding ways to remain grounded. Trusting that the self sends signals at the right times. A time to float but also to stay connected to this world through breath, yoga, and meditation – by being here and now, in the body. Gentle, receptive, low-physical-effort soothing practices.
Pluto – regeneration through breakdown, release or conscious want for transformation.
What to expect
Primal desires, fears, traumas and issues that have been present since childhood will likely be surfacing, usually those that haven’t been integrated or not even realised before. Sometimes the power plays that come from these underlying presence can be noticed, more than the issues themselves. Resurfacing of repressed urges that may even be seen as too-basic or taboo. Awareness of intensity or at least directing intensity into focused tasks/exercise/routines. OCD-like rituals and behaviours. Feeling frantic or highly anxious without vices or “crutches”. Turning to destructive means to try and eliminate feelings of intensity if they seem endless or overwhelming. Being bothered by deeper thoughts and feelings. Drawn to obsessive/intense/calculating/manipulative people AND/OR; being drawn to powerful, transformative, aware and present people. Needing more stimulus or engagement than normal from self, events, people. Feeling unsafe or out of control. Wildness of self emerging.
– Channeling the rawness into expression – writing, performing, art, dance.
– Channelling intensity into laser focus – difficult and drawn-out study, repetitive and challenging exercises, difficult practices, adrenaline-provoking activities. That which makes you PRESENT – out of mind. Working out hard.
– Rhythmic breathing from chest every time overwhelm takes hold – even for 1 minute.
– Having few basic rituals to attend to which connect you to own core foundations, as well as something to serve the greater good – e.g. meditation and gratitude practices.
– Practicing forgiveness and playing with the idea of trust – in self and life. Things happen at the right time for the right reasons. Everything does work out.
– Feeling empowered and charged by need to change.
– Accomplishment of goals that align with the higher part of self.
– Questioning deeply what matters most.
– Letting go of certains and definites but holding onto knowing what matters – stark awareness and protection of core values that still remain.
– Finding a source and channel of intense power that will only facilitate positive outcomes and aligns with the truest self.
– Realizing, acknowledging, and expressing AUTHENTICITY.
– Eat to renew and regenerate. Take calming herbs and supplements for neurotransmitter support. Meditation and yoga as a base routine.
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