Author: Tiaani

  • Pisces Moon. The Ultra-Sensory Moon.

    Neptune conjunct Moon. To some degree, Moon in the 12th House. Pisces Moon individuals experience the full range of human emotions. Their high sensitivity influences their life choices. Many become healers, counselors, and helpers, aiming to reduce suffering. Others might escape through excessive work, preoccupations, substance use, or hermit-like activities. Imaginative Moon Piscean Moon individuals…

  • Aquarius Moon. The Paradoxical Moon.

    Uranus conjunct Moon. To some extent, the Moon in the 11th house. Individuals with an Aquarius moon excel in the art of detachment. Their emotions can be analyzed, overlooked, and marginalized for the sake of what they deem more important, much like Capricorn moon individuals. However, Aquarius moons have a unique need for change and…

  • Capricorn Moon. The Achievement Moon.

    Capricorn Moon – Saturn Conjunct Moon – Moon in the 10th House Capricorn moons find satisfaction in being useful, disciplined, responsible, and reliable. Completing their self-set goals brings them immense fulfillment. Determination and ambition are key characteristics, allowing them to apply logic over emotion. They excel at overcoming what they deem trivial to achieve the…

  • Sagittarius Moon. The Higher View Moon.

    Jupiter conjunct moon. To some extent, Moon in the 9th house. The Sagittarius moon thrives on excitement, learning, travel, and expanding both their own consciousness and that of others. These individuals are perpetually in motion, always seeking new experiences and adventures. Their insatiable curiosity and love for life keep them constantly moving forward, eager for…

  • Scorpio Moon. The ‘Til the Death Moon.

    Pluto Conjunct Moon. To some degree, moon in the 8th House Scorpio moons thrive on a profound understanding of the world around them. They do not take things at face value and are drawn to intensity. Even when this intensity becomes overwhelming, they find emotional psychodrama essential to their psychology. Life can seem bland without…

  • Libra Moon. The Fair Moon.

    Libran moons find deep satisfaction in romantic relationships and strong friendships. They thrive on connection and often play the role of the diplomat among friends or colleagues. This ability to see both sides of any situation grants them a unique gift of impartiality. Social acceptance is paramount to them, fostering a charming and fair demeanor…

  • Virgo Moon. The Make-Things-Better Moon.

    Virgo Moons are natural carers, instinctively drawn to those in need of love, attention, and a bit of nurturing. They thrive on helping others, improving life conditions, and bringing order to chaos. Keywords for this moon sign include purification, order, awareness, and nature. Virgo Moons find joy in activities that others might overlook, such as…

  • Leo Moon. The ‘Love Me’ Moon.

    LEO MOON – Sun Conjunct Moon – 5th House Moon Leo Moon individuals shine with a fiery brilliance that demands expression and admiration. Their emotional and mental health thrives on acknowledgment and validation of their innate talents and greatness. When they receive external praise, it restores their natural confidence and reaffirms their faith in themselves.…

  • Cancerian Moon. The Homely Moon.

    Cancerian Moon. The Homely Moon.

    To some extent, Moon in the 4th House.Of all the astrological moon placements, none embodies the essence of the moon more than a Cancer Moon. Receptive, changeable, and reflective—these ultra-feminine qualities make a female with a Cancer Moon deeply alluring and a man with this moon sign sensitive and in tune with the feminine, resonating…

  • Gemini Moon. The Information Addict Moon

    Gemini Moon. The Information Addict Moon

    Mercury conjunct Moon. To some extent, Moon in the 3rd House. Stimulus Moon Gemini Moons thrive on fun, change, and mental stimulation. Their emotional well-being hinges on variety, interactions, verbal challenges, and dynamic environments. These individuals are wired for constant movement and mental engagement, even if they have a Sun sign that leans towards stability…

  • Taurus Moon. The Earthly Comforts Moon.

    Taurus Moon. The Earthly Comforts Moon.

    Venus conjunct Moon. To some extent, 2nd house Moon. Nurturing Stability People with a Taurus Moon, or anyone with a strong Taurus or 2nd house theme for that matter, find comfort in routine and dependability. Their emotional world thrives on familiarity and security, seeking peace in the known rather than the unpredictable. Providing them with…

  • Aries Moon. The Fighter Moon

    Aries Moon. The Fighter Moon

    Mars conjunct moon. To some extent, 1st house moons. These individuals bring a spirited energy to their emotional expressions, reflective of their dynamic inner lives. The Moon close to Mars, or in Aries, gives them a fiery, impulsive, and assertive approach to their feelings, marked by quick reactions and a strong need for emotional independence.…

  • Chiron-Moon Aspects

    Chiron-Moon Aspects

    Born with Chiron in relationship with the Moon, regardless of the specific aspect, often revolves around a central theme: a discomfort in fully accepting and expressing true emotions. There’s a profound uncertainty here, more pronounced than for most. There’s a desire to heal, even a potential to heal others eventually. Yet, a fundamental distrust of…

  • Uranus Conjunct Sun Transit

    Uranus Conjunct Sun Transit

    The transit itself brings about randomness and uncertainty, yet it embodies a universal principle—cosmic order and synchronicity—as Uranus always come to readjust and realign. Synchronicity involves external events and symbols that gain significance relative to an individual’s growth and state of being. Lightning bolt insights often strike unexpectedly, illuminating necessary changes on the personal journey.…

  • Nutrition and Counselling Services

    Nutrition and Counselling Services

    These are integrated counselling sessions which work with your beliefs, goals and current habits to create actual changes in your level of health and wellbeing. Traditional principles of natural medicine are coupled up with the most recent research findings from psychology, neuroscience and the health sciences. An example session would include: – character strength-based education, –…

  • Chiron Conjunct Venus – Transit

    Chiron Conjunct Venus – Transit

    At this point of the journey when Chiron forms this engulfing aspect by transit, the nature of Venus (in whichever sign it is natally/at birth) becomes altered by being asked to question the way in which it has expressed itself up until this point – in the context of relationships, personal style, and views of…

  • Psychological Astrology Session/Reading

    Psychological Astrology Session/Reading

    Viewing the birth chart as the blueprint of your own psychology can be such a powerful tool. Yes, we are greater than our personality, but it is with personality and utilising tools to understand its existence that we see our individual journey within the human experience. In this respect, understanding personality and behavioural patterns can be…

  • Saturn – Neptune Transit

    Saturn – Neptune Transit

    A period marking the gradual exposure of dreams (of all varieties). Exposure permits the air of the outer world to meet the usually-watery wombs of imagination. These may simply be your ideals, or what is ultimately that of spirit, the intangible. The once-malleable becomes crystallised by this transit. The softest parts of the soul are…

  • Role of the Ascendant/rising sign

    Role of the Ascendant/rising sign

    The constellation which sat at the most Eastern point of the chart – the horizon – is indicative of the initial impressions that our youngest, newest, earliest self, experienced. Not only the people involved, but the nature of cirumstances that were encountered. The imprints on our consciousness in our first days and months forever mark…

  • Outer Planet Transits (to Natal Planets)

    Outer Planet Transits (to Natal Planets)

    Each time an “outer” planet transits personal planets or points (i.e. Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars), it will bring with it stark similarities – even between varying personality types, however the number of possible outcomes for each transit (per individual) is nearly infinite. For instance… A Neptunian/Piscean creative is more likely to invite…

  • Summarised Saturn Transits to Natal Planets

    Summarised Saturn Transits to Natal Planets

      Saturn Transits Initially, when we’re not-yet aware: Overwhelmed by responsibilities and/or the perception of extensive limitations – now and in this life. Being taken on my fears and niggling anxieties – feelings of not doing enough, being enough, having enough. Feeling like there’s just not enough time, being restricted physically by space and/or time. Claustrophobia. Projection of…

  • Centaurs, Asteroids and the like…

    Centaurs, Asteroids and the like…

    Over the years that I have simultaneously observed the impact whilst researching the potential meanings and influences of varying asteroids amongst individuals and the collective. I have summarised some major focus points in the following that I have intuited/gathered… Chiron – What blocks us and pains us which leads us to look beyond the conventional…

  • Mars in Aquarius – Tight Mars Uranus Aspect

    Mars in Aquarius – Tight Mars Uranus Aspect

     Mars in Aquarius – Mars tightly aspecting Uranus These people possess somewhat of an (if not a fully notable) androgynous edge. Representatives of the coming of Feminism, Human Rights and general leadership positions will often have a Uranian/Aquarian theme. A ‘just’ view of equality, taking part in activism, along with the balancing of masculine and…

  • Mars in Sagittarius – Tight Mars- Jupiter

    Mars in Sagittarius – Tight Mars- Jupiter

    Female with Mars in Sagittarius – Mars tightly conjunct Jupiter This lady will be enticed by adventure, the road of uncertainty, the possibilities that lie ahead. The prospect of knowing exciting things are to come is what motivates and energises her the most. Even if this is entirely philosophical or intangible – something about the…

  • Saturn Transit to Mars

    Saturn Transit to Mars

      OVERVIEW OF THE FUNCTION OF MARS Our natal Mars position offers us insight into our personal ‘mojo’ including what ignites our primal drives and what colours our expressions of creativity, activism and initiative. It highlights areas of personal interest and desire which trigger us to get moving – calling us to take action. When…

  • Open-Mindedness and Healthy Skepticism

    Open-Mindedness and Healthy Skepticism

    ‘Believe no-thing, entertain possibilities’. — There is ridiculous amounts of freedom in this… Open-mindedness and a healthy dose of skepticism is a necessity for progression; moving us to the ever-evolving state of curiosity and taking us closer towards the true nature of reality, and of ourselves. We’re all comprised of rational and irrational thinking patterns,…

  • Pluto in the 12th House

    Pluto in the 12th House

    Pluto represents our most primitive self, our biological self. Its essence is tied in with impulses and compulsions, specifically our most basic, primal and (usually) repressed emotions. Because of its often uncivilized and infantile nature, most of us humans have learnt to hide these parts of our self as consequences of enacting these forces often…

  • The Moon in our Chart

    The Moon in our Chart

    The Moon in a chart reflects the most basic, subconscious, reactionary patterns we experience and express. It’s sign, location (which house), and aspects (contacts) with other parts/planets in the chart paints the  picture of our emotional nature, our core temperament. It illuminates what nurtures us, what re-balances us, how we react instinctively when stimulated or…

  • Chiron – Potent theme for healing

    Chiron – Potent theme for healing

    Chiron is an asteroid which orbits somewhat erratically between Saturn and Uranus and is named after the mythological Centaur known as the ‘Wounded Healer’ who facilitated healing, coaching, education, and philosophical comprehension. He relates most commonly to the sign of Virgo (though there is controversy on rulership despite the links between health, healing and service).…

  • Asteroid Ceres

    Asteroid Ceres

    Ceres, the Roman Goddess (similar to Greek Goddess Demeter) represents nourishment in essence. She is the mother of the fields, the land, where others reap what they’ve sewn with her. Other’s reap what she has nourished, in order for their own nourishment. In one’s chart, depending on major aspects, the sign, house – represents the…

  • Why Know Astrology?

    Why Know Astrology?

    Astrology: the study of ourselves through the study of mythology projected onto the canvas of the cosmos above and below. The mythology in itself representing and epitomizing pure character traits/singled-out forces within us, identity roles, simply amplified to a planetary magnitude. We are but one with what happens – in our immediate environment and within…

  • Cancer North Node (Capricorn South Node)

    Cancer North Node (Capricorn South Node)

    This life is one for incrementally becoming more at peace with one’s inner world – one’s emotional sanctuary, whilst relinquishing the need to have everything structured, in order, ‘planned’. The passing of years allows the slow exchange of the need and expression of authority for intimacy and closeness. Allowing family to nurture rather utilise their…

  • Thoughts: Are the effects of Astrological Cycles a product of ancestral conditioning

    Thoughts: Are the effects of Astrological Cycles a product of ancestral conditioning

    As I was taking a run along the beach after sunset, the stars had just begun to reveal themselves. I found myself mesmerized, in a state of being-ness I haven’t been caught in in quite some time. After trying to track planetary stations, where Mars, Venus, and Saturn would be located tonight, I was taken…

  • Quaoar/ Quaor in the Birth Chart

    Quaoar/ Quaor in the Birth Chart

      Quaoar is a relatively new discovery in the Astrological (and Astronomical) world – a finding made recently in 2002. A more complete and detailed picture of both its effects and its part in the overall ‘process’ may take decades (or even longer) to compile. For now, much of the observational data is raw, relying…

  • Transits and Orbs – Internal Relationship

    Transits and Orbs – Internal Relationship

    Transits If it is perceived that any particular point/planet in the chart is like an individuated character within the whole persona of an individual, then it can be understood that a transiting planet will not only have influence on the one main natal planet being transited – but also with the planets that the natal…

  • Transit: Pluto – Venus

    Transit: Pluto – Venus

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and mental changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions represent a frequency of the overall…

  • Chiron Transit to Mars

    Chiron Transit to Mars

    Transiting Chiron in aspect to Mars usually catalyses, or at least speeds up the process, of having to deal with more blocked/irritated/frustrated aspects of energy expression within the self. This process can be facilitated in a number of ways, commonly being through life circumstances that trigger these feelings internally or through the attraction of partners/others…

  • Natal Aspect: Chiron-Venus

    Natal Aspect: Chiron-Venus

    These people are bestowed with potent opportunities for healing their own Venus-based wounds and mindfully facilitating the healing of others in the areas of self-esteem and self-love. In addition to these, becoming increasingly aware of energetic barriers between self and ‘other’ and the rights for their own choice of values as well as the allowance…

  • Ascendant/Rising + Descendant + IC/MC

    Ascendant/Rising + Descendant + IC/MC

    As the Ascendant is considered the point of integration where all our varied personality energies are channeled through a main filter to  be operatable in this world. This ‘mask’  is essentially made up of our physical appearance, as well as how we project ourselves through our mannerisms and the sharing of a certain flavour of…

  • Natal Aspect: Mercury-Pluto

    Natal Aspect: Mercury-Pluto

    Minds that do not believe in what is first presented to them. Minds that will forever be seeking more for that which is not yet perfected, fulfilled, made perfectly sensical – whether in a logical or intuitive sense. Probing beyond the surface leads their attention into the arts, the world of interpersonal interactions, psychology, even…

  • Natal Aspect: Sun-Pluto (Squares and oppositions)

    Natal Aspect: Sun-Pluto (Squares and oppositions)

    No matter how comical, light, spontaneous or gentle one with this aspect may commonly appear to those around them given by other elements of the personality, these individuals (and only sometimes those closest to them) know there is a much more intense, consistent, unwavering element at play on a very core level. These people themselves…

  • Understanding Your Quest: Life’s Questions

    Understanding Your Quest: Life’s Questions

    Steven Forrest, one truly amazing modern-day Astrologer who practices and teaches the art of Evolutionary Astrology, wrote a fundamentally life-changing book in 1984 (The Inner Sky) which is still one of my favourite ‘go-to’s’. His openness, understanding, clarity and practical approach to this psychological artform known as Astrology, is simultaneously magical, inspiring, and down-to-earth. He…

  • Saturn Transit to Sun (Square, conjunction, opposition)

    Saturn Transit to Sun (Square, conjunction, opposition)

    The core seed of the personality (the essence of one’s ego, the basis of one’s identity) is being visited by the reality teacher at this point of time. These intermittent meetings occur roughly every 7 or so years, to see how one is progressing on a personal evolution level, to see if one is being…

  • Transit: Neptune – Venus

    Transit: Neptune – Venus

    This marks the disintegration of usual expectations, standards, and filters towards people and relationship to others; as well as the diversification of interests.  The particular ‘flavour’ of Neptunian influence affecting the individual will depend on the formed transiting aspect (square, opposition or conjunction) in reference to natal aspects, signs and houses dominating the chart. Potential outcomes…

  • Saturn Transit to Ascendant (Conjunction)

    Saturn Transit to Ascendant (Conjunction)

    These several months mark the unfolding of fears, doubts, repressions and unknown aspects of the psyche into conscious awareness. The last couple of years have allowed the retention of certain aspects of the personality and the neutralisation of their usual impact. Now unfulfilled desires, ambitions and perceptions of limitations are now being unleashed and in…

  • Chiron-Mars Aspect

    Chiron-Mars Aspect

    Mars corresponds to the masculine principle, the aspect of self that wants action, activity, things to ‘happen’. ‘He’ is the extroverted creative force that acts, rather than the receptive passive quality of the self that allows and attracts action – which is more representative of Venus. Both are working simultaneously within each and everyone’s psyche.…

  • Saturn Return

    Saturn Return

    A Saturn Return signifies the period in life marked by Saturn returning to the same position/degree as it was at birth. For instance, if in a natal chart, Saturn is located at 23 degrees Aquarius, after Saturn has moved through all other (11) signs and moves back into Aquarius decades later, a Saturn return is…

  • Scorpio Ascendant (Scorpio Rising)

    Scorpio Ascendant (Scorpio Rising)

    Scorpio’s domain is that of the unseen, the mysterious depths that encompass not only the external unknown but also the inner psychological terrain. Those born under this sign often radiate a profound understanding of secrets and hidden truths, stemming from their ability to navigate and comprehend the complexities of human emotions and motivations. Physically, Scorpios…

  • DNA Expression – Astrology of Families/Lineages – Adaptations

    DNA Expression – Astrology of Families/Lineages – Adaptations

    The self is the one-self, the soul, and limitless void containing all human experience. The collective pool of information, meaning, structure, belief, thought and chaos in between. The soul is the felt component of nature, retaining all of life’s changes and effects. Every beings’ felt experience of existing information and data fills this void and…

  • Uranus Transits to the Sun

    Uranus Transits to the Sun

    Uranus transits to the Sun (the core of the personality) has the purpose of shaking things up to get things back to the ‘way they should be’, that is, back in alignment with the true core self. Like a series of electrical shocks to the brain that takes place in order for natural/balanced cognitive resonance…

  • Neptune Transits to the Sun

    Neptune Transits to the Sun

    ‘Hard’ Aspects (square, opposition, conjunction) — {Is like trying to look out of a hot shower} When Neptune transits one’s Sun – that is to say when the ‘great illusionist’ makes contact with the core sense of identity for a person, the process of disintegration either begins or speeds up. The removal of everything that is not truly ‘real’ to the…

  • Pisces Rising (Pisces Ascendant)

    Pisces Rising (Pisces Ascendant)

    >>>Keep in mind that the Ascendant’s planetary ruler is a major factor. The sign, placement in chart and aspects it makes will be a more specific indicator of the nature of the rising sign – i.e. representation of the self. People born with Pisces on the horizon at birth are the most imaginative, receptive and…

  • Pluto-Mars Transit

    Pluto-Mars Transit

    Transiting Pluto will strongly accentuate the regular driving forces within the individual. Energy levels increase and the ability to cope goes under a growth-spurt into a state of feeling invincible for some. The energy is more endurant than purely impulsive, though. Motivation and requirement for respective outlets builds proportionally to the will that is being…

  • Pluto-Venus Transits

    Pluto-Venus Transits

    Intensity in close interpersonal, specifically romantic associations.  Possessive love, dominating love, surrendering to the overwhelm of lust and love with be prominent here and now. Whether people possessing these qualities enter one’s life now or bring out such feelings in you is dependant on how these feelings are and have already been integrated into the…

  • Pluto-Neptune Transit

    Pluto-Neptune Transit

    Views related to spirituality and universal connection will undergo a notable shift. The nature of the shift is indicated by pre-existing notions of such things and the outcome is thus proportional to original beliefs. For example, an extremely ‘straight’ or sober person may seemingly spontaneously grow an interest in psychedelics or other mind-altering substances. A…

  • Saturn-Pluto Transit

    Saturn-Pluto Transit

    Facing hidden underlying realities which are presented by awareness of underlying fears, survival forces, desires and compulsive patterns which may be threatening or restricting in the current life situation. The house these transits affect will show the nature concerning such feelings/thoughts/fears Universally though, for the human mind, these transits can be mind-shattering (particularly conjunctions, squares…

  • Gemini North Node (Sagittarius South Node)

    Gemini North Node (Sagittarius South Node)

    Individuals born with this Gemini-Sagittarius nodal axis come from a background that has been rich in culture and exposed to corresponding religions, or at the very least an active participating environment focused on increasing learning faculties in some way or another. They have innate faith with their place in the world and are naturally seeking…

  • Venus in Taurus

    Venus in Taurus

    Venus in Taurus is essentially indicating that the attraction principle (as well as mechanisms of desire and satisfaction through a particular means of beauty) is in its most resonant sign. Thus the values by which a Taurean Venus operates is aligned directly with the foundations of what Venus herself requires – art, music, admiration, loyalty…

  • Saturn Transit – 12th House

    Saturn Transit – 12th House

    Frequent and often subtle pulls into an introspective space takes place throughout the course of these 2-2.5 years.  Every moment might not be spent in a state of hermitism, but rather a background feeling of distance between interactions with others/the outside world may be present. Even if introspection is a ‘normal’ way of being for…

  • Aries North Node (Libra South Node)

    Aries North Node (Libra South Node)

    Understanding that generosity and the ability to help others originates through giving the self the time, energy and allowance to just be oneself – that is – not preoccupied with overthinking about others (wants, preferences, moods, etc). Because of this, allowing thoughts and ways of allowing personal desires and wishes to fruition is a priority. As much…

  • Aquarius North Node (Leo South Node)

    Aquarius North Node (Leo South Node)

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and mental changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions represent a frequency of the overall…

  • Taurus North Node (Scorpio South Node)

    Taurus North Node (Scorpio South Node)

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions are at a frequency of the overall…

  • Capricorn – 10th

    Capricorn – 10th

    // All astrological expressions represent a frequency of the overall one energy. Awareness of such concepts and traits is one gateway to remembering that all aspects of the Zodiac have the same potential to remember the underlying one true self. Happy Reading Readers 🙂 Determined. Rational. Responsible. Realistic. Achievement/Outcome-oriented. Authoritative. ABOUT CAPRICORN Mode: Cardinal (Initiating/ getting-things-done…

  • Libra – 7th House

    Libra – 7th House

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and mental changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions represent a frequency of the overall…

  • Venus in Aries

    Venus in Aries

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions are at a frequency of the overall…

  • Saturn-Moon Transit

    Saturn-Moon Transit

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and mental changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions represent a frequency of the overall…

  • Leo North Node (Aquarius South Node)

    Leo North Node (Aquarius South Node)

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and mental changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions represent a frequency of the overall…

  • Sagittarius – 9th House

    Sagittarius – 9th House

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and mental changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions represent a frequency of the overall…

  • Virgo – 6th House

    Virgo – 6th House

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and mental changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions represent a frequency of the overall…

  • Leo – 5th House

    Leo – 5th House

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and mental changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions represent a frequency of the overall…

  • Gemini – 3rd House

    Gemini – 3rd House

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and mental changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions represent a frequency of the overall…

  • Taurus – 2nd House

    Taurus – 2nd House

    Sense oriented. Peaceful. Reliable. Grounded. Determined. Habitual. ABOUT TAURUS Mode: Fixed (Psychological temperament difficult to force change upon) Element: Earth (Realistic, sensible, practical, stability-oriented) House related: 2nd House (What I have, accumulation, foundations, what makes life stable, values – physical/ethical/spiritual) Planet related: Venus DESCRIPTION Taurus energy is slow steady and building. They may be hard to…

  • Aries – 1st House

    Aries – 1st House

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and mental changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions represent a frequency of the overall…

  • Astrology and Nutrition: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces

    Astrology and Nutrition: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces

    Libra: A combination of sweet, savoury and salty dishes. Balance is key for Librans in all areas of life – food definitely included! Librans more often than not have a noteable sweet tooth, and milk chocolate is surely a weak spot as the pleasure of sweetness combined with the texture of creaminess is hard to…

  • Astrology and Nutrition: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and Virgo

    Astrology and Nutrition: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and Virgo

    Look beyond your Sun sign to understand what foods work best for your physical form. Find out the most strongly emphasised signs and planets and look at the what needs to be nourished by which particular foods below. Knowing your moon sign in particular can help get you on the right path to satisfying and…

  • Aquarius – 11th House

    Aquarius – 11th House

    Magnetic. Future-minded. Progressive. Knowledge-vortex. Left-leaning. Authentic. Truth-oriented.   ABOUT AQUARIUS Mode: Fixed (Psychological temperament difficult to force change upon) Element: Air (Thought-oriented, idea generator, detached/objective abilities) House related: 11th House (Group consciousness/thought, futuristic ideals for the human race, progression past the present) Planet related: Saturn and Uranus (most prominent) DESCRIPTION Aquarius energy relates to the…

  • Moon in Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces – Supporting Emotional Health

    Moon in Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces – Supporting Emotional Health

    CAPRICORN MOON – Saturn conjunct Moon – 10th House Moon Being useful, disciplined, taking responsibility and being the epitome of reliable whilst being able to complete goals they set for themselves is what satisfies individuals with a Capricorn moon. Determination and ambition are other key characteristics. Those individuals with a Capricorn moon are able to…

  • Moon in Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius – Supporting Emotional Health

    Moon in Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius – Supporting Emotional Health

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions are at a frequency of the overall…

  • Pisces – 12th House

    Pisces – 12th House

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and mental changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions represent a frequency of the overall…

  • Empowering yourself with Direction

    Empowering yourself with Direction

    Hello my friend 🙂 Directional analysis can be helpful to you if you are at a crossroads, are possibly feeling a little jaded, a little confused, or would like a big enthusiastic reminder of what makes you light up with excitement. You’ll be reminded what is there behind that mask.  That in all your experience,…

  • Cancer – 4th House

    Cancer – 4th House

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and mental changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions represent a frequency of the overall…

  • Moon in Cancer, Leo, and Virgo – Supporting Emotional Health

    Moon in Cancer, Leo, and Virgo – Supporting Emotional Health

    CANCER MOON – 4th House Moon Of all the astrological moons and emotional temperaments, none other epitomises the nature of the moon itself more than a Cancer moon. Receptive, changeable, reflective, passive – all ultra feminine qualities that can make a female so alluring and a man sensitive enough to resonate with the female of…

  • Pisces North Node (Virgo South Node)

    Pisces North Node (Virgo South Node)

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and mental changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions represent a frequency of the overall…

  • Venus-Saturn Aspect – Working effectively

    Venus-Saturn Aspect – Working effectively

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and mental changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions represent a frequency of the overall…

  • Venus – Saturn

    Venus – Saturn

    Feeling limited/suffocated by serious romantic relationships. Becoming overly dependant in serious romantic relationships. Loyalty that can seem threatening to oneself that can minimise playfulness, activities with friends/others outside relationship. Attractions to the blocked, repressed, overly serious, ‘with baggage’ types. Wanting to have the feeling of being ‘too good for’ in front of the opposite sex.…

  • Moon in Aries, Taurus, and Gemini – Supporting Emotional Health

    Moon in Aries, Taurus, and Gemini – Supporting Emotional Health

    ARIES MOON – Mars conjunct Moon – 1st House Moons Aries moon individuals are extremely changeable whether they would like to admit this or not. Their emotions are quick, excitable and reflective of their impulsive psychological temperament. Once an urge creeps in, once someone irritates them and when they feel blocked, others will surely know…

  • Scorpio Energy (Stereotype)

    Scorpio Energy (Stereotype)

    Sensual. Intense. Emotionally-oriented. Enigmatic. Guardian qualities. Magnetic. Transformative. ABOUT SCORPIO Mode: Fixed (Psychological temperament makes forcing change upon, difficult) Element: Water (Emotion/feeling-oriented, fluid, receptive) House related: 8th House (Transformation, the other side, the shadows, what’s swept under the rug, merging (of self with other), taxes, shared resources) Planets related: Mars and Pluto (Pluto most strongly related)…

  • Mars-Saturn. Impulse meets control. Fun facts

    Mars-Saturn. Impulse meets control. Fun facts

    Without much knowledge of stars and constellations, observing Mars and Saturn in the night sky, appearing relatively similar in size, raises a question: can we discern their differences? For those interested in astrology, the meanings and personal relevance of these planets are distinct. As we grasp that the outer cosmos mirrors our inner concepts and…

  • Venus-Uranus


    Drawn to relationship structures that defy societal norms and expectations. Belief that societal pressures hinder personal freedom and hinder progress. Sometimes over-rationalizing love through a lens that can suppress natural passion or feeling. “Do I follow rational advice or stay true to my heart’s desires?” Navigating through asymmetrical dynamics in relationships. Balancing innate affections with…

  • Venus-Neptune


    Individuals with Venus-Neptune aspects often find themselves entangled in relationships that feel elusive, akin to chasing butterflies or becoming the butterfly when pursued. They emit a magnetic allure that draws others in, only for these encounters to often end in disappointment and heartache. There’s a notable conflict between their natural behavior and their aspirations in…