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Saturn-Pluto Transit
Facing hidden underlying realities which are presented by awareness of underlying fears, survival forces, desires and compulsive patterns which may be threatening or restricting in the current life situation. The house these transits affect will show the nature concerning such feelings/thoughts/fears
Universally though, for the human mind, these transits can be mind-shattering (particularly conjunctions, squares and oppositions). Rising above identifying with the mind will create a space of serenity through the chaos and destruction that presents itself. The reason there is little need to fear is that any destruction and change will be for the benefit of the organism, even if this isn’t obvious to begin with.
Identifying purely with the physical mind will bring respective feelings of being out of control, unsettled and any number of emotional phenomenon which are akin to natural disasters. Coming from a witnessing perspective, not being event/s themselves will give the greatest awareness and building of both strength and character. Welcoming change and growth that is largely transformative, sobering and liberating.
Even if one chooses to go through the earth-shattering changes directly, the outcome will ultimately be transfotmative. Internal resources of strength and ability to cope comes into fruition over this time, particularly towards the end of a transition.
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