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Transits and Orbs – Internal Relationship
If it is perceived that any particular point/planet in the chart is like an individuated character within the whole persona of an individual, then it can be understood that a transiting planet will not only have influence on the one main natal planet being transited – but also with the planets that the natal planet has relationship to. For example, if Uranus begins to transit the natal Moon by conjunction, and the natal Moon is in aspect to Mars, then even if Uranus doesn’t form a close enough orb to Mars to be considered a trigger for a ‘phase’/transit, there will still be activation of this point, because whenever the emotional nature of the individual is touched/revealed – it will naturally always have a Martian element to it.
In a non-astrology sense, if when someone is feeling emotional and the need for physicality and the need for assertive expression is catalysed, like those who need to run, or box or move when feeling overwhelmed or need to do this to be satisfied, the relationship between parts of an individual can be seen (a simplistic example of a Moon-Mars aspect, an Aries moon)
So when reading interpretations of certain transits, remembering to integrate the contacts the natal planet already makes with other planets (other parts of self), will give a more specific reading, understanding of the shifts and changes that are taking, or will be taking place.
Orbs – Transits trigger effects at what point?
Especially when dealing with outer planet transits (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) as well as Saturn, phases are prolonged, thus the time for processing and integration is extended. Feelings of certain changes and subtle shifts can be felt usually up to 3 degrees within the exact transit and the closer the planet gets to exact aspect the stronger the theme, however 1-2 degrees from exact transit point will still include/give room for major changes in the integration process with similar intensity.
However orbs can be felt on a wider scale if the planet in question is making contact with another planet that the aspecting planet will make contact with gradually or prior – hence the feeling of such a transit will be prolonged as the theme of the planet will be present for an extended period. For instance, if Saturn is 2 degrees (23 Aqua) from the Sun (25 Aqua), yet the Sun is opposite Mars by 2 degress (27 Leo), the entire experience timewise will almost double, as it could be perceived the Saturn conjunct Sun and Saturn opposite Mars are not two separate transits, but one prolonged one in a sense, as the relationship natally of Sun and Mars is already strong and co-existing.
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