Tag: origins

  • The Moon in our Chart

    The Moon in our Chart

    The Moon in a chart reflects the most basic, subconscious, reactionary patterns we experience and express. It’s sign, location (which house), and aspects (contacts) with other parts/planets in the chart paints the  picture of our emotional nature, our core temperament. It illuminates what nurtures us, what re-balances us, how we react instinctively when stimulated or…

  • Why Know Astrology?

    Why Know Astrology?

    Astrology: the study of ourselves through the study of mythology projected onto the canvas of the cosmos above and below. The mythology in itself representing and epitomizing pure character traits/singled-out forces within us, identity roles, simply amplified to a planetary magnitude. We are but one with what happens – in our immediate environment and within…

  • Thoughts: Are the effects of Astrological Cycles a product of ancestral conditioning

    Thoughts: Are the effects of Astrological Cycles a product of ancestral conditioning

    As I was taking a run along the beach after sunset, the stars had just begun to reveal themselves. I found myself mesmerized, in a state of being-ness I haven’t been caught in in quite some time. After trying to track planetary stations, where Mars, Venus, and Saturn would be located tonight, I was taken…