Tag: Taurus

  • Taurus Moon. The Earthly Comforts Moon.

    Taurus Moon. The Earthly Comforts Moon.

    Venus conjunct Moon. To some extent, 2nd house Moon. Nurturing Stability People with a Taurus Moon, or anyone with a strong Taurus or 2nd house theme for that matter, find comfort in routine and dependability. Their emotional world thrives on familiarity and security, seeking peace in the known rather than the unpredictable. Providing them with…

  • Venus in Taurus

    Venus in Taurus

    Venus in Taurus is essentially indicating that the attraction principle (as well as mechanisms of desire and satisfaction through a particular means of beauty) is in its most resonant sign. Thus the values by which a Taurean Venus operates is aligned directly with the foundations of what Venus herself requires – art, music, admiration, loyalty…

  • Taurus North Node (Scorpio South Node)

    Taurus North Node (Scorpio South Node)

    ///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment. All astrological expressions are at a frequency of the overall…

  • Taurus – 2nd House

    Taurus – 2nd House

    Sense oriented. Peaceful. Reliable. Grounded. Determined. Habitual. ABOUT TAURUS Mode: Fixed (Psychological temperament difficult to force change upon) Element: Earth (Realistic, sensible, practical, stability-oriented) House related: 2nd House (What I have, accumulation, foundations, what makes life stable, values – physical/ethical/spiritual) Planet related: Venus DESCRIPTION Taurus energy is slow steady and building. They may be hard to…