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Chiron – Potent theme for healing
Chiron is an asteroid which orbits somewhat erratically between Saturn and Uranus and is named after the mythological Centaur known as the ‘Wounded Healer’ who facilitated healing, coaching, education, and philosophical comprehension. He relates most commonly to the sign of Virgo (though there is controversy on rulership despite the links between health, healing and service).
He was a wise immortal figure born an unwanted child – half horse, half man, who unlike other Centaurs, was civilized – embracing higher parts of humanity over basic drives, in seek of redemption.
He could teach and assist others in the growth and development of their skills and abilities, though, he could never help himself as he was permanently limited by his near-fatal injury which caused a life with unbearable pain. As he dealt with his own pain, he learned about the nature of suffering and the weaknesses
In a Birth Chart: Looking at the sign Chiron is in, its house position, and most importantly if there are strong aspects with major planets indicating a Chironic theme – will shine some light on an individual’s path towards healing and integration. This includes, what direction to go, what themes/beliefs needs to be released as well as the conditioning around these reactions, and potentially the ways we can forgive and accept other’s humanity as we work towards becoming whole ourselves.
Chiron in our chart (which is located in every single individual’s chart), represents one’s wound base. This is the part of us that has incurred the most wounding; the most delicate, sensitive and often over-compensated fragment of us. The personality will quite often overshadow this innate wound in any and every way possible as a focus on the wound is quite often more painful and destructive than almost anything else (to the individual).
Though, awareness and witnessing of the latent healing and growth potential through facing our wounds, the Chironic path is one of redemption, compassion, humility and integration.
Transit: Chiron is also always visiting some part of our chart by transit – and wherever he stays will bring about an alternate way of looking at a situation in addition to a time to integrate a new theme or perspective. Shining light on less conscious aspects of self – especially in regards to what triggers the strongest emotions and pain in order to release the perpetrator’s hold.
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