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Mars in Sagittarius – Tight Mars- Jupiter
Female with Mars in Sagittarius – Mars tightly conjunct Jupiter
This lady will be enticed by adventure, the road of uncertainty, the possibilities that lie ahead. The prospect of knowing exciting things are to come is what motivates and energises her the most. Even if this is entirely philosophical or intangible – something about the not-yet-known stimulates her more than it scares her. She will be idealistic about her pursuits, but often will back ideas up with action rather than simply dream it all away or remain passive to such ideas. Even if she doesn’t complete what she set out to do, she is flung into action by possibility, and where possibilities and ideas take her. Ending up in an unknown place is exactly where she hoped to have gone anyway.
She will love the idea of being with someone who will share the same excitement about future possibilities and taking action about changing the status quo and expanding their sense of the world, just as much as herself. She will be hard to pin down and will on some level expect any prospective partner she meets to be just as hard to pin down. Life will be a game, a progressive philosophy, a dynamic expansion about life’s purpose and goals. Her purpose surrounds growth, progression, responsibility and play, and Sagittarian energy blends evolvution, dreams and getting things done largely in the context of play.
She will find intelligent men (and people) with a heart for adventure and curiosity to be particularly attractive, as it allows her to be consistently reminded by what she needs in her own life to retain purpose.
**For both men and women, connections between Mars with Saturn or Pluto or the like, will change the intensity and modify the lightness and impulsivitiy somewhat, though the overall need for purpose and a personal philosophy will be highlighted.
Male with Mars in Sagittarius – Mars tightly conjunct Jupiter
Meet the man who will forever have his eyes on the future. The future that is perceived to allow him the time, space, and place for thinking up what he can do to grow and experience as broadly and vastly as he can perceive; a perception of a future that is full of possibility. He will be an open-minded sort who will look for ways to integrate expansion into many different facets of life, and will be energised by the prospect of newness and change that he understands deeply is undeniably coming. This searching or expression he often finds in science, philosophy, self improvement and other aspirational realms. Knowing change always comes is what activates his mental faculties and charges him physically, rather than giving into fear and helplessness. The decay of routine and structure can illuminate his soul where it often brings discomfort and anxiety for other archetypes. Roaming and feeling a sense of freedom is necessary for his overall well-being, and although he undoubtedly enjoys a chase infused with idealism on the romantic front, he won’t be forced into compliance too easily, if at all. If, and when, he does choose to settle and settle happily, it will be because he has found a way to balance partnership with his insatiable need for novelty, space and changing frontiers.
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