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Saturn Transit to Mars
Our natal Mars position offers us insight into our personal ‘mojo’ including what ignites our primal drives and what colours our expressions of creativity, activism and initiative. It highlights areas of personal interest and desire which trigger us to get moving – calling us to take action. When Mars is ignited, adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol (stress/fight-or-flight-or-freeze hormone) are kicking around in our system, getting us excited, prepared or potentially aggressive. These states are often necessary to kickstart movement and instigate change in order to displace the ‘what is’ in order to push us through into a new phase or new territory, whilst still being in-sync with our own life-force.
Mars as a force, without direction or awareness, can often be reckless, wild, self-sabotaging or simply blind in action; it relates to instinctive pulsating drives just waiting for expression and action. The sign in which it expresses itself, as well as the house/the place of expression, as well aspects made greatly influence the types of catalysts as well as mode of output.
For instance, a person with Mars in Aries will often be called to take action, to lead in their own right, to engage with the warrior archetype through direct embodiment, or through attracting these types of people into their lives – or both. They are somewhat impulsive, excited by action and movement, driven to act according to their own feelings in line with their own principles regarding what is right and in line with beliefs about what will yield what it is they want.
However, by contrast, a Mars in Pisces, or Mars conjunct Neptune individual, will be driven to create and/or escape (the mundane ‘what is’). They’re often driven to separate themselves from the regular earthly world of routine and the material into a dreamland, or at least they are impulsively guided to bring to reality elements of fantasy or possibility. Bringing new elements to the imagination or catalysing inspiration infuses their impulses. The willingness, or even need, to transcend and alleviate pain, to show compassion and evade stark black-and-white realities is how they will exercise their Mars. This tendency is not often as conspicuous as say an Arian Mars but rather it is often more internal, directed inward and therefore often overlooked by others.
In a female’s chart, or someone who is more notably ‘feminine’, may instead be drawn to individuals with the Mars’ tendency and expression that brings whichever quality out in them, or who simply exhibit and embody those qualities themselves. That way the Mars force in some way or another becomes active in the life of an individual – vicariously or directly. Mars has to be present for life to continue.
So when it comes the time for Saturn to pass on by for a visit (within an orb of usually 2 degrees will be most noticeable) the very life-generating impulses are being slowed down, as conscientiousness and rational thought pauses the usual instinctive/non-thinking action. During the pause, one is being asked to use the time and room to reflect, to witness the effects of impulsive active expression, to be more aware of the necessity for growth through patience and inaction.
Alternatively, without this reflection, Saturn aspecting one’s Mars by transit can halt action and productivity in a very inconvenient manner. As it constricts the usual inhibited energy, without awareness of the transit or how best to use it, Saturn can lead us to feel blocked, repressed, claustrophobic and consequently: resentful, hurt and even angry.
Though, if there is an awareness and want for one’s Mars energy to be more effectively channeled – it can be a constructive time for bringing distinct outlets for such impulsive drives. It can help build purpose as it adds commitment and dedication to one’s passions. In knowing what excites you, in learning about your nichè and what enriches your life as well as others, it can be a time of sewing seeds for future cultivation, as well as giving more insight into what is worth applying one’s energies into. Though pure energy and drive may seem less abundant during this time, it is a perfect time to focus and direct; focus on what matters, what is worth your time, realising more about what purpose means to you .
Meditation, like in many a circumstance, will definitely be an effective tool. It is available whenever, anytime, any place.
In this case it provides a gap between impulsive natural action and mental awareness – giving perspective and an idea of appropriate timing and direction. To eradicate that which is blocking you – internally and externally, and to minimise running repetitively into brick walls that aren’t going to budge.
As Saturn in now in Sagittarius (properly since late September 2015 – end of 2017), Mars in Sagittarius natives at some point in this time frame will be learning to focus their initiatives regarding philosophical, educational, political arenas as well as honing in on their excessive need for movement and adventure. Channelling capacities and being honest about where to expend the available energy instead of running away from responsibility in whichever area may be particular themes.
Coming into 2018, Saturn enters its traditional sign ruler – Capricorn – officially on the 20th of December, 2017.
The natural position here will often mean that hierarchy, dominance, conservative ways of being and utilisation of power will like be at the core of most institutions and systems – more than usual. In individuals lives, being more aware of limitations and more likely to oblige to power and authority will be noticed for the most part. At the same time, awareness of strengths and resilience can be cultivated. Stepping up and taking more control within one’s own life or career is indicated. By contrast those that are usually obliging to systems and rules and the conventional ways may find themselves becoming resentful or frustrated by added responsibility or limitation compared to usual times. In some ways Saturn in Capricorn levels up the extent of our personal accountability and responsibility, pushing us or teaching us about our personal work capacity and/or boundaries. What are we willing to sacrifice?
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