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Aries – 1st House
///Interpretations and writings from Rubyxia have the purpose of integration and the understanding of the variations and mental changes that happen within a lifetime along with the reminder of the infinite essence beyond the psychological world – the infinite awareness that is simply presence without judgment.
All astrological expressions represent a frequency of the overall one energy and awareness of such concepts and traits is one gateway to remembering this as all aspects of the Zodiac have the same potential to remember the underlying one true self. Happy Reading Readers 🙂
Dynamic. Active. Impulsive. Naive. Forthright. Enthusiastic. Youthful Heart.
Mode: Cardinal (Initiating energy, getting-things-done energy)
Element: Fire (Dynamic, expressive, motion-oriented, easy to ignite/quick to exhaust)
House related: 1st House (The egoic self, forming an identity, what is ‘I’, transparent to world)
Planet related: Mars
What makes an ‘Arian’: Emphasis on planets in Aries (e.g. Moon/Mars in Aries), stellium of Aries (3 or 4 planets in Aries), Mars making strong contacts with personal planets (Sun conjunct Mars, Mars conjunct Moon and others), Aries rising/Mars conjunct Ascendant, emphasis of planets in the 1st house (of self).
Aries people (Mars strong in the chart/ a number of planets in Aries) are innately both charged and strong; strong-minded and thus usually quite robust physically. They tend to have child-like temperaments regardless of how mature or developed they are intellectually, which make them easily satisfied/excited and gives them an innocence which is so unique to Aries.
Aries/Arians tend to be the least affected or influenced by doubts, analysis, and outside opinion, as their energy is primal, pure and reactive. This makes them easily motivated, honest, expressive and not limited by doubt or fear (which is a by-product of thought and past experience).
If they do fear, or are struggling, they often have important or relevant planets in highly analytical/introverted signs (like Virgo) But, they don’t want anyone to believe they are feeling limited or are being oppressed, even by themselves. Generally, Aries people are pure in their expression and are connected most to their own spirit, often without belief in spirituality, as they ARE an extension of spirit, embodied.
They crave challenges and situations that ignite their raw, fighting, reactive self. They believe this a human right. To be opionated, of oneself, an individual. They intrinsically believe in the fight that is present in being alive, that to deserve being here means you need fight and work to get where you want to be. This is what is natural and normal in regards to evolution. They need to be the fittest ones so they can survive.
They are not interested with articulation of details and elaborate feelings all that much, but rather are concerned with the rush of excitement that feeds their spirit, reminding them of their physical, alive and vital nature. They are nothing less than passionate at the very core and allowing them their expression of such keeps them in their element and keeps anger at bay (which are often repressed aspects of their fighter self).
Interests and motivations:
They are naturally competitive, so mixed in with their high energy, they don’t mind the wrestle or verbal tussle from time to time, extending to outright physical combat (even playfully). They don’t understand why others find this manner offensive as it is so innate to the human species, along with it being a form of honest expression. At the end of the day, they choose not to mind if others are off-put by the way they like to operate, its them being them, and that’s it.
They long for and anticipate romantic interactions or at least interactions where they can fully engage themselves, their raw primal selves. Their high-energy and ‘doing’ nature makes them active, always seeking an outlet – whether this be mentally or physically. If not in motion, they are quick to combust as they usually have no way of slowing themselves down. And even if they do slow themselves down, they are prone to fatigue/depression if or when they internalise such intense amounts of energy (this is not recommended).
Fast things
Entrepreneurial discussion/interviews/talks
Taking action
Quick chats/meeting
Fulfilling/fast-paced activities
Coming up with ideas/being the entrepreneur
Pompous/snobby ‘scholarly’ people
‘Sheep’/herd mentality
Too much quiet time
Boring situations/bland people
Too many rules or regulations
Having to remain silent/sit still
No exercise/physical activity
Having to think too much of others
Being at a desk
‘Airy-fairy’ – ness
Aries individuals usually have the strongest dispositions – physically and mentally speaking. Childhood plays a major factor in this though. If they perceive they are the most important ones in the family, they will eventuate this way with little doubt of their importance/abilities, however if they grow up with distanced parent/s or lack of nurturing, they may be reactive moreso to foods/allergens/situations and their combative nature may be more an internal issue.
They need to make sure to put themselves first (needs wise) to fully satisfy their core self, and then, they can help deliver to others. It is with Aries people that being too considerate of others (if other chart factors indicate they may lean this way), they may be prone to more extreme highs and lows, fatigue and depression from quietening/repressing such enormous energy that is meant for themselves to express first. Then afterwards, after satisfying and being honest with their desires/needs, they can be very generous, sociable characters with alot of life to share, making them more of an attribute to their family/community.
Imbalanced Aries/Arian
//all things showing energy is being blocked and/or internalised
Irritable (frequently)
Dull/lacking in energy or overall vitality
Frequent headaches/strained eyes
Skin conditions
Mean/offensive for sake of it
Balanced Aries/Arian
Constructive energy
Humorous, charming nature
Maintains physical outlets
Ready to help others
Strong appetite
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